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Notice - 2025 Draft Operating and Capital Budgets Meeting




TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Town of Gravenhurst will be holding a series of public meetings related to The Town of Gravenhurst’s 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets on the following dates 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 1:00pm  - 2025 Budget tabled by CAO 

Tuesday, December 10 at 9:00am  - Council Budget Review  

Wednesday, December 11 at 9:00am - Council Budget Review and Approval (if necessary) 

All meetings will be held at the 

Gravenhurst Municipal Offices 

(Council Chambers) 

5 Pineridge Gate 

Gravenhurst, Ontario 

Municipalities are required un the Municipal Act, 2001, to adopt annual budgets. Budgets are the one of the most significant policy tools that municipal Council deals with each year. Annual budgets, which align with the calendar year, may be approved prior to or within the budget year. The importance of the budget is that it approves a work-plan for the municipality, provides funding for capital reserves and pays down debt, funds the day-to-day activities of the Town and establishes a tax levy for the year, which in turn determines a tax rate for municipal services. 

2025 Draft Budget can be accessed through the Town of Gravenhurst’s website, as well as Engage Gravenhurst 

PUBLIC MEETINGS –  All interested parties are invited to attend the public meetings. 

The meeting on November 27th, will serve as the opportunity for the public to make written submissions or to step up to the podium in-person and make verbal comments on matters related to the 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets.  

Written submissions are invited and should be directed to Ross Jeffery, Director of Financial Services and Treasurer,  no later than 12:00 PM (Noon) on November 26, 2024.  Written comments received prior to the meeting and submissions made at the public meeting will be considered by Council as part of the budget process. 

ALTERNATIVELY, any person or agency may also provide verbal comments during the November 27th meeting electronically using MVI EasyConf Connect Conference System, in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal Act and the Town’s Procedural By-law. A request to address Council electronically must completed at and submitted prior to 12:00 pm (Noon) on November 26, 2024.  Please note that the public meeting is taking place in person and any issues with electronic participation will not prevent the meeting from proceeding. 

Meetings scheduled on December 10th and 11th (if required) are reserved for Council deliberation approval of the 2025 Budget. Public commentary is not included as part of these meetings. 

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