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Mayor and Council

Gravenhurst Council consists of the Mayor and eight Councillors. Your Council members serve for a four-year term with the Mayor and three District Councillors elected by all voters in Gravenhurst. The remaining five Council members are elected by voters within their specific wards.

Additional Resources

Provincial legislation requires that municipalities establish a code of conduct for members of the Council and local boards.

All members of Council, local boards and committees have an obligation to act honestly and responsibly when making decisions or giving advice on Council, board or committee matters. This obligation includes the disclosure of pecuniary interest.

A pecuniary interest refers to a situation where a member has a direct or indirect conflict related to a matter under consideration. A full explanation of direct and indirect pecuniary interests can be found in the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

The onus is on the member to determine whether they are affected by the pecuniary interest provisions. All members must submit their disclosures of pecuniary interest in writing to the Clerk immediately following the meeting during which they verbally disclose a pecuniary interest using the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Form.

Registries of the written disclosures of pecuniary interests are available below. 

The Council Code of Conduct and Municipal Conflict of Interest Act is overseen by the Town appointed independent Integrity Commissioner, Suzanne Craig, who is responsible to:

  • Provide information and direction to Council and Committee members on the Code and Act.
  • Coordinate education and procedural training on the policies, Code and Act to Council, staff, and members of the community.
  • Conduct investigations and providing reports on alleged breaches of the Code and Act
  • Provide annual reports to Council on any requests of the Integrity Commissioner.
  • The Integrity Commissioner has authority under the Municipal Act.


Contact information

Any person who has reasonable grounds to believe that a Member has breached a provision of the Code or Act, may file a complaint with the Town’s Integrity Commissioner by any one of the following:

Suzanne Craig

(705) 687-3412, ext. 2262


Formal Complaint Process Affidavits:

Memorandum/Annual Reports

Below are memorandums prepared by the Integrity Commissioner providing information for Members of Council on their obligations under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and processes.

Investigative Reports

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